Scen från Lebbis and Jansen: overdrive, 2003

Lebbis and Jansen: overdrive, 2003

Nederländerna, 2003 Lebbis en Jansen: Jakkeren door 2003

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Längd 1:30
Betyg: 6,8


In a year of sports highlights, political upheaval, orange offspring heatwave and there are only two men who dare to continue pushing the throbbing finger on the fragile minds of society: Lebbis and Jansen! And on this DVD, they are at the tops of their power: a good & 235; peerless waterfall topgrappen over the viewer through sprayed the energy pounding through the wide as the AIDS virus through a condom, the sa…


Lebbis en Jansen: Jakkeren door 2003

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